The beachside door glass logo on a blue background


Located in St. Augustine, Florida, Beachside Door Glass transforms existing doors by replacing the glass inserts, offering a unique, cost-effective solution for homeowners looking to refresh their entryways without the high costs and hassles of purchasing a new door.


  • Design
  • Strategy
  • Website


Beachside Door Glass identified a need for a strong brand presence and an online platform to showcase their innovative door glass insert services. The client sought to highlight their product range and the specific regions they serve, aiming for a brand identity that would resonate with the St. Augustine locals and stand out in the home improvement industry.


Our team developed a beach-inspired, modern brand for Beachside Door Glass, capturing the essence of Northeast Florida. We designed a logo that merges beachside charm with professionalism and established comprehensive brand guidelines for uniformity across all platforms. Creating a custom website showcasing their services through a user-friendly design and engaging content, effectively highlighting the advantages of their door glass inset solutions.


Christianne Valois-Velez
Cameron Korn